My name is Rubi Nava and I'm the new Impact Evaluation Intern for the summer. I'm a senior marketing major at the University of North Texas with a minor in business law. I hope to someday be part of the marketing department for a non-profit or perhaps work in a family law firm. I'm so excited to keep you all updated on the wonderful programs the Y provides and the impact they have on our community.

I was able to visit my first program, Grand Prairie YMCA Adaptive Summer Camp. It was an amazing experience and I wanted to share a couple of highlights with you all. 

For those of you that aren't familiar with this program, it is located at the Grand Prairie branch for two weeks in June. Parents of children with adaptive needs can drop of their children at the camp from 9 a.m.-3 p.m.. The camp directors are GPISD instructors that the children have an existing relationship with, therefor making the camp that more safe and welcoming. 

During my time there I was able to see how the consistency of the schedule that the program utilizes benefits the children. They're able to watch movies, enjoy books, go swimming, and socialize with one another. As their camp director mentioned, there's "never a dull moment" at the camp.

A lot of the parents that were kind enough to talk to me expressed their gratitude for this program, especially because of the limited summer resources in Grand Prairie that cater to children with adaptive needs. The mother of 11 year old Caleb, who's been in the program for 7 years, mentioned how the camp is always "welcoming" to her and her son. Another parent told me that this program has improved her son's confidence and taught him the social skills needed to build a stronger connection with his younger brother. 

This program is very valuable to this community, but more specifically to the children. These kind of programs allow for the children to build confidence and create friendships in a safe environment. From Caleb, who's spent almost every summer since he was diagnosed with autism attending the program, to Brad, who's developed the self-confidence to express himself; the Y is making an impact on these children's lives' for the better.


Rubi Nava 
Impact Evaluation Intern