lean burger

Our YMCA Lifestyle Coach, Jessica Haims, shares one of her favorite recipes. It's the perfect recipe for summer!


  • 1 lb. 96% lean ground beef
  • 4 whole-wheat hamburger buns 
  • 1 - 2 hot house tomatoes sliced into large circles
  • Seasoning of choice - we used McCormick’s Steak Seasoning, reduced-sodium

Tools needed:

  • gloves
  • knives
  • cutting board
  • sheet pan
  • aluminum foil 

Directions for Broiling:

  1. Turn oven onto broil at 500 degrees Fahrenheit. 
  2. Line your sheet pan with tinfoil 
  3. Wash hands and then tomatoes - slice into large circles to be placed on the burger for later. When done slicing set on a plate to the side.
  4. Put gloves on your hands to handle the meat.
  5. Open the beef and cut it into 4 sections. Mold into desired shape/thickness and place on the sheet pan.
  6. Add the desired seasoning and pop in the oven for 5 - 7 minutes depending on how rare or not you like your burgers!
  7. Take out and flip, preseason, and cook for another 5 - 7 minutes.
  8. While the burgers are finishing up toast the buns in the oven if you'd like!
  9. Once burgers are ready to come out grab your buns, tomatoes, and meat into one area. Add tomatoes onto the bottom of the bun. Add your meat, and then add more tomatoes or anything else (lettuce, onion, etc.!).

10. Enjoy!

Directions for grilling:

  1. Heat the gas grill to high heat. If using a charcoal grill heat coals until they are a bright orange color.
  2. Prep burgers ahead of time by cutting the 1 lb of extra lean ground beef into 4 sections. Flatten out to desired thickness and add seasoning of choice.
  3. Place burgers on the grill for 3 - 5 minutes.
  4. Flip the burgers and cook for another 3 - 5 minutes (depending on how rare or not you'd like your burger). 
  5. Remove from grill and immediately add tomatoes to bun and burger on top of the tomatoes. Feel free to add anything else in you'd like!
  6. Enjoy!