YMCA Liberia to Expand Its Fish Farming Project

Vatekeh Peters, Todee YMCA Camp Manager, harvesting tilapia from the fish pond

Liberian Observer (June 20th, 2023) The Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) of Liberia is planning to expand its fish farming project this year. The project, currently comprising just four ponds, is the beginning of an ambitious vision to cultivate 150 acres of land in Todee District, rural Montserrado County. The property — 200 acres in all — was deeded to the YMCA of Liberia, by the people of Todee, for its agricultural programs.

READ MORE: http://www.liberianobserver.com/liberia-ymca-liberia-expand-its-fish-farming-project


The YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas has a unique connection to the YMCA of Liberia through longtime Dallas YMCA soccer coach Doc Lawson. Doc founded his non-profit organization, Donami, to bring soccer and childhood fun to youth as a way to inspire social change. This unique partnership allows you to give to Donami to support the YMCA of Liberia and the people of its country. To learn more about Donami, email: giving@ymcadallas.org or call 214-880-YMCA (9622)