Fishing, Friendship, and Fatherhood

Adventure Guides Welcome

My daughter (now 13) and I went through 4 years with the AG program and I am currently doing it again with my 7-year-old son. For me, participating in AG has been and will continue to be about creating memories and experiences. The Y provides a fun and safe environment for fathers to share with their children. From my own observation, the men who choose to be a part of AG with their kids tend to be some of the best fathers I know. They are the kind of fathers who not only want to watch their kids grow up but also want to experience every struggle and every success with them. The friendships that are made through AG go beyond the campouts for both the child and the father way after they have grown out of the Adventure Guides program

One of my favorite memories of AG is getting to fish with my daughter for the first time and seeing her excitement match my own. To this day, fishing is something my family loves to do together.

Don Nguyen