With Personal Training and Wellness Coaching at the YMCA

White Rock YMCA has certified personal trainers and health coaches eager to assist you with achieving your fitness and health goals. Your coach will help identify what and how you can make small or large behavior changes that will measurably improve your nutrition, physical, and mental health. Each of our coaches have their own special interest and/or experience with whatever goals you may come to us with!


Ariel Humphrey
ariel pt

Regional Director of Personal Training

Ariel arrived at the YMCA with a vast array of experiences. From the farmlands of Michigan to the Rocky Mountains, and then deserts of Arizona she has found White Rock to be the place to put down roots and grow as a leader for health in the community. Where there is an opportunity for coaching, she steps into the role to offer hope and motivation. From guiding clients to mentoring rising personal trainers; growth and commitment are two words that brought her to the Director of Regional Personal Training position.

To be paired with the right trainer for you or to register for partner and group sessions please contact:

Ariel Humphrey
Regional Personal Training Director
(214) 328-3849

Donovan Mason
Donovan Mason

Certified Personal Trainer

Train with Donovan

One of my goals on this earth is to actualize my fullest potential. I am here to help you do the same! Let me guide you towards exceptional or optimal health & well-being, for lasting and immeasurable effects beyond just physical! As a student of the martial arts, spiritual arts, and life in general, I help individuals incorporate a holistic approach to a healthy mind, body, & spirit! Build your mental acuity, physical prowess, and overall confidence with me!



Chinma Omogah
chinma pt

Certified Personal Trainer

Train with Chinma

I've always had a passion for fitness. I love working with people to help them reach their fitness goals. What I like best about the fitness journey is seeing my clients change and improve! Seeing them get one step closer to a better version of themselves is what motivates me to be the best version of myself too!

When I’m not at the gym, I like to take some for myself. I enjoy walking around the nature preserves with my dog, Olive. Other times, I might go rock climbing or visit a plant nursery to see what new things they may have.

Favorite Motivational Quote:

"You’ll never know until you try."



Jonathan Ryan
jonathan ryan

Personal Trainer

Train with Jonathan

My passion for fitness was ignited in 2019, when I discovered how much I loved bicycle riding around White Rock Lake. What began as Saturday rides with friends turned into a workout routine of 3 to 4 bike rides a week, now surpassing the milestone of 10,000 miles on pavement & trails. Along with complementary weight training, walking, jogging, and weekly Yoga practice I can appreciate all the aspects of fitness from endurance, strength, balance and flexibility. 

I can think of no pursuit more rewarding than to maintain this healthy lifestyle while sharing my passion for health and well-being with others through Personal Training here at the YMCA.

Favorite Quote:

"Just when the caterpillar thought the world was ending, he turned into a butterfly." —Proverb


Andrew Sechrist
andrew sechrist

Certified Personal Trainer

Train with Andrew

I was always involved in athletics - from age 5 to college, I was playing one sport or another. I’ve played just about every sport except Ice Hockey! I became a Personal Trainer to work with others who also have a love for being active as well as being there to support others who are wanting to start again or for the first time. My goal is for you to leave our sessions learning something new or feeling like you’ve accomplished something.

Favorite Motivational Quote:

Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t—you’re right.

– Henry Ford


Ellese Garcia
ellese pt

Certified Personal Trainer

Train with Ellese

Vegan athlete on a mission to sculpt both mind and body through discipline and determination. Fueling progress with plant power to step on stage and showcase strength and grace. #VeganBodybuilder #PlantPower #StrengthAndGrace #MyYStory: 

I have always had a passion to help people and I have discovered my outlet to do so is through personal training. I enjoy promoting ways to improve physical health and prevent injury through exercise. I graduated with my B.S. in Kinesiology, and I am currently working on my Doctor of Occupational Therapy degree at Texas Woman’s University. My long-term goal is to continue helping people using a holistic approach.  

Favorite Quote: 

“You don’t get what you wish for, you get what you work for.” 

Carolina Balderas
carolina CPT

Certified Personal Trainer

Train with Carolina

Mama bear on a mission to bring wellness and vitality to little cubs and fellow mamas 🌿🐻 Let's #nourishyoungminds #momsonamission #myYstory

I joined White Rock YMCA almost 10 years ago to socialize with other mom's and get workouts squeezed in between work and motherhood. After losing 82lbs, I realized I wanted to help other mothers navigate their health and weight. Also, I wanted to see my own children have more options for physical activity and I knew that the YMCA had programs to get involved with. Starting in 2024, I will be coaching school age children to move their body's to prepare for Athletics. 

Favorite Quote: 

"I may not agree with a word you say but will fight to the death for your right to say it" -Voltaire

Wendy Land
Wendy PT

Certified Personal Trainer

Train with Wendy

🌟 Empowering warriors to conquer their fitness goals with perseverance and strength 💪 | Championing personal growth and transformation through sweat and determination #letsworkout #Noexcuses #momof3 #myYstory

Wendy is a 4th year kinesiology student & mother of 3 boys (2 in college & an 8 year old) Balancing life is nothing new. She understands how hard it can be to set aside time for yourself for workouts but she also knows it is possible! If she can do it, you can too! Let her help you reach your health and fitness goals so you can better care for your self and family!



Jane Roberson

Jane Roberson

Certified Personal Trainer

Train with Jane

🌟Passionate about fitness and empowering others to reach their goals. Always ready to learn, grow, and inspire.  #trainwithjane #LifelongLearner #myYstory

I grew up playing sports and staying active from young age. I have always wanted to incorporate that into my career and help others live a healthier lifestyle. I went on to pursue this at Auburn University, and graduated with a B.S. in Exercise Science. I recently moved to Dallas and am currently working on my Masters in Prosthetics and Orthotics at UTSouthwestern School of Health Professions. I am eager to provide clients with the knowledge and support to kickstart their fitness journeys and achieve all of their health goals. 

Favorite Quote: 

“We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are.” - Max Depree

Lanette Martel

Certified Personal Trainer

Train with Lanette

As a mother, I understand the challenges that come with balancing family life and personal wellness. My passion lies in empowering fellow moms and women of all ages to prioritize their health and embrace a lifestyle of vitality and strength. I love running White Rock Lake on the weekends and I'm interested in helping runners prevent injuries through targeted strength training. Whether you are new to fitness or looking to get back into a routine, we can work together to help you reach your goals!



Lucas Black
lucas black

Certified Personal Trainer

Train with Lucas

I want to help people enhance their life through fitness, both physically and mentally.
I’m originally from Dallas, and just came back from Houston where I obtained my B.S. in Exercise Science. I’ve always loved breaking a sweat and found a passion for the gym. I’m looking forward to meeting new people and helping them reach their health and or fitness goals. 

Favorite Quote:
“The only thing that never changes is that everything changes.”
― Louis L'Amour

Kirby Baber
Kirby Baber Nutritionist

Nutrition with Kirby

Living and breathing the joy of educating on nutrition and healthy living! 🍏📚 #NutritionNerd #HealthyLivingEnthusiast #PassionForEducation #MyY Story

For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted a profession where I can help others. I love that the YMCA fosters education and inspires communities to grow together. As an aspiring Dietitian, I am passionate about empowering all ages with the knowledge and confidence to lead healthy and fulfilling lives.

Favorite motivational quote:

“Believe you can and you're halfway there.” - Theodore Roosevelt


I received my Bachelor's of Science in Nutrition at Texas A&M in 2021. Currently, I am a Dietetic Intern at the UT Southwestern School of Health Professions as I pursue my Master’s in Clinical Nutrition.

Wellness Coaches
Sebastian wellness coach
Sebastian Alvarez
Michael Brookshire
Michael Brookshire
Shiraz Soltani
Shiraz Soltani