
Dallas Y teen Alyssa Mills shares her ideas on ways to help out our community during the COVID-19 pandemic. While practicing social distancing and keeping others safe being at home, here are three ways you can still show support for your community. 

1. Make Masks for Medical Workers

Vital medical masks are in short supply right now. Utilize your sewing skills (or learn some new ones) to help make masks our of some scarp fabric and a little elastic. Search Google or YouTube for a tutorial, and contact your nearest medical center to learn about their donation procedures.

2. Send Virtual Cards to Essential Personnel

Essential personnel, including medical staff, elderly carers, and grocery store clerks are working harder than ever, and putting themselves more at risk to do so. Send your thanks via a virtual card to donate a little positivity in a tough time. 

3. Help Nonprofits Find Funding

Many nonprofits and volunteer based organizations are struggling during this crisis. Reach out to an organization to ask what you can do to help. Often, sending letters to congressmen, lending writing skills to grant proposals, or helping to runt outreach campaigns can go a long way in ensuring that your local charities can continue to help during and after the pandemic. 


Authored by: cmccauley