Five Activities to Strengthen Your Family Relationships

Asian Man with child doing crafts Adventure Guides

Compass Point: NORTH/Family is an activity from the YMCA Adventure Guides Curriculum.


Just being together, focused on each other and communicating in new ways is sure to strengthen your relationship with your child! Here are five activities that will help you build a stronger family bond using the YMCA value: CARING. As you complete a one of the activities, cross off a letter in the word NORTH. See if you can complete enough to fill out the whole box.









  1. To clean in body and pure in heart: Did you ever notice how young trees bend so easily? They sway clear over to the ground. This is so they wont break when strong winds blow or when animals step on them. They don’t get stiff until they are old enough to stand against the wind. How do you change as you grow older?
  2. To be friends forever with my dad/mom/daughter/son: Think about one of your best friends? What is about them that makes you consider them a friend? Did you ever think of your mom or dad as being a friend of yours?


Song: “You are my Sunshine”

We all know this song but how can you put your own family twist on it. Make it rap, do a dance to it, play an instrument to the tune. Let your creativity juices flow.


Story: “Love your Family” a story about family love

Once there was a boy named Keith. He did not like living in a big family. For him, living in a big family was a huge headache. He was never alone and felt bothered by everyone. One day, his family had to attend a wedding in the nearby town. Keith was not so interested. “I have lots of work to complete and tomorrow is my football practice that I cannot miss at any cost,” said Keith. At first, Mom and Dad did not want to leave Keith alone at home. But since he insisted a lot his family decided it was best to leave him alone. Keith was finally alone at home and wanted to enjoy the day with his friends. He called up his friends to come to his house, but no one was available. An hour later, his best friend Jakestopped by and the two of them decided to go get a pizza. They got on their bicycles and began racing. Unfortunately, on the way Keith and Jake met with an accident. He fainted, and on waking up, found himself in the hospital with a fractured leg. Jake called Keith’s parents. The doctor let Keith go and he was taken back to his house. Dad was angry at him for lying. Mom, however, convinced Dad not to scream at him. Soon, Keith began to see a different side of his family. His Dad bought him magazines, books and games to keep him busy. Mom cooked for him all of his favorite dishes and made sure he took his medicines on time. His sister gave him messages whenever he was in pain. While his grandparents told him stories of all the mischief they had done when they were his age. His cousins played games with him whenever he felt bored and his youngest brother brought him work from school to keep him updated. He started feeling happier in his environment. Keith felt happy to be a part of the family.

Game: “Magic Noise”

A person is chosen to be “it” and leaves the room. The group selects an object and hides it somewhere in the room. The “it” person returns to the room and starts to search for the object, getting clues from the buzzing of the family. The farther he or she is from the object, the softer the buzz, the nearer he or she is, the louder the buzz.


Craft: Make a family tree

Use unexpected materials to create it. Once created, go through and talk about similarities and differences.


Give Back:

FaceTime or call a family member that you haven’t talked to in awhile. Do something extra special to make their day.


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