Avocado Egg Sandwich

Our amazing YMCA Lifestyle Coach Jessica Haims shares her delicious Avocado Egg Sandwich! It is the perfect lunch or dinner meal filled with nutritious and delicious ingredients! 

Serves 2 - 3 people


  • 3 hard boiled eggs
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1 cup spinach or 1-2 handfuls 
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 1 teaspoon dijon mustard
  • 2 slices of whole-wheat toast
  • pinch of salt
  • Directions:
    • Hard boil the eggs: place eggs in water and make sure they are covered with at least 1 inch of water. Bring to a boil. Once the water has boiled turn the heat off, cover the pot, and let it stay in the pot for 9 - 12 minutes. The longer it sits the firmer the egg.
    • Immediately transfer eggs to ice-cold water for 15 minutes. Peel.
    • Option 1 if you have a salad bowl and chopper:
      • place eggs, avocado, spinach, mustard, and squeeze lemon juice into a bowl. 
      • use salad slicers to chop everything up
      • Toast your whole grain bread
      • top the mixture in the bowl on top of the bread and sprinkle salt on top. Feel free to add any toppings like 1 teaspoon feta cheese, or a drizzle of balsamic vinegar!
      • Enjoy!
    • Option 2: 
      • cut up the spinach into small pieces, or to the desired size
      • in a bowl combine spinach, eggs, avocado mustard, and squeeze lemon on top
      • use a fork to mash everything together
      • toast whole-grain bread
      • place egg salad on top of the 2 slices of bread and add a pinch of salt on top! Feel free to add any toppings like balsamic vinegar, feta, or goat cheese! Enjoy!

Authored by: cmccauley