YMCA College Scholarship Recipients YMCA College Scholarship Recipients

YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas Foundation

Our Purpose:
The YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas Foundation was created as a separate and distinct legal entity to receive and maintain a fund(s) of real or personal property, or both, and to use the whole or any part of the income or principle exclusively to support the mission, operations, and programs of the YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas.

Board Of Trustees:
The Foundation is overseen by Board of Trustees is comprised of 21 members. The Board of Trustees often oversees the overall governance and strategic direction of an organization, including its endowment. The Investment Committee, a specialized subgroup within and reporting to the Board, focusing on managing the financial assets of the endowment. Gifts to the YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas Foundation are received in accordance with the YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas Foundation Gift Policy. Distribution of funds is limited to the YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas programs and its branches.

What The Foundation Supports:
The goal of the Foundation is to support the mission, operations, and programs of the YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas. The Foundation Trustees have distributed 5% of the fund, based on a 12-quarter average of the fund corpus. Two thirds of the distributions are donor designated funds to various branches and programs. Part of the designated distributions have included providing approximately 20 four-year college scholarships to graduating high school seniors. Each branch maintains an endowment to ensure proper maintenance.

The other one third of the distributions are dedicated by the Board to support key YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas signature programs for the community, such as:

  • Community & Mental Health
  • Water Safety Programming
  • Teen Leadership Programming