In 1963 The YMCA was established in Richardson and has been an integral part of the community ever since. The YMCA mission is to “Put Christian values into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all”. At the Richardson YMCA you can see this every day, from our Seniors who come to not only exercise but also socialize over a cup of coffee, to our young families who utilize Child Watch while they work out so their children are being watched in caring, nurturing environment and our partnership with HEROES so their participants can utilize our facility at least once a week.

Outside of our walls we also serve 10,000 children annually through youth sports, swim lessons and the Adventure Guides program. The YMCA also partners with local organizations to be able to operate our signature programming such as Youth & Government, Safety Around Water, Summer Learning Academies and more! The Richardson Y is focused on continuing to serve the needs of children and families in their community.

The YMCA is governed by the Board of Directors who holds title to all real estate and establishes overall policy providing direction to the various Branch Operations. The Board of Directors confers a broad range of authority to the Branch Boards of Management who assume responsibility for advising each YMCA.