Five Way to Celebrate Earth Day While Quarantined

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Every year, on April 22nd, we celebrate Earth Day! It marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970. It became a voice for emerging environmental consciousness and put environmental concerns on a global stage. 2020 marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day! Let’s celebrate by taking care of our planet! Here are 5 ways you can celebrate Earth Day while quarantined:

  1. Declutter – Attempting to declutter a space or room can be overwhelming and time consuming. Establish a plan to organize the importance of your materials by categorizing sentimental, donation, and disposal items. Have a “landing station” for items you intend to keep such as containers or designated space. Only donate materials useful and in good condition to others and ensure proper disposal of unwanted items to protect our Earth.
  2. Recycling – According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), one person per day can generate 1.58 pounds of recycling and compost. Organize disposable waste in separate containers in the home. If collecting more plastic containers, crush them to preserve space in the recycle bin or container. Try to reduce recyclable items by eliminating plastic containers. For example, using a water bottle container for storing water is better for the Earth and can be environmentally friendly.
  3. Pick Up trash Outside – Taking care of our Earth starts with one neighborhood at a time. During this pandemic, take a walk around your neighborhood and pick up any trash visible to dispose. Cleaning the surface of the Earth offers a better living condition for all creatures and animals. Make this cleaning process a regular routine to keep our planet beautiful.
  4. Take Up Planting – Earth Day is a great day to introduce a new hobby to the family. Planting flowers is a common activity associated with the day. In the wake of this pandemic, many are creating their own produce gardens with fresh vegetables and herbs. Texas A&M University suggest the best fruits and vegetables to grow in Texas include potatoes, carrots, green beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet corn, cherries, blue berries, red apples, and melons. Developing a garden can provide great benefits to the family household. According to experts, home gardens can improve eating habits, reduce household food expenses and relieve individual stress. 
  5. Nature Scavenger Hunt – Earth Day is full of fun activities for children to explore. While we are under the instructions of COVID-19, engaging the family in a fun adventure could be eliminate the stress of new daily task we have encountered. Participate in our nature scavenger hunt in honor of Earth Day as a family and share your experience with us. We are sure your family will really enjoy exploring this beautiful Earth.

Snap a photo of your Earth Day Celebrations using the hashtag: #EarthDay2020 



Earth Day - History