How Are Your Resolutions Going? (And Tips to Help You Keep Them)

The month of January is almost over and that means your New Year’s resolutions may have already gone by the wayside too. Did you know that 85% of resolutions are broken in the first week of the New Year? Here are some ways you can stick with yours or recommit yourself to them.

Set realistic goals. You know yourself better than anyone. Are you really going to cut it down to one coffee a day? If your goal is something too difficult, you’re setting yourself up for failure. And nothing brings back unhappy habits as quickly as feeling like you failed. Want to start running? Start by walking. Once that becomes a part of your schedule, you’re more likely to pick up the pace.

Think small. Taking small steps toward your ultimate goal can give you weekly wins to help push you forward. Cut down your caffeine in increments. Slowly build your workout regime. Having a win each week (or even every day) will make you feel like you are unstoppable!

Think BIG! I know we said to think small, but at the same time, think about the big picture! That cigarette you aren’t smoking is contributing to your overall wellness and health. Each daily walk is one step closer to that race you want to run. Keeping the big picture in mind while taking small steps is key to your success.

Spread the news. The more people you tell about your goal, the more support you’ll have. Tell your mailman as your passing him on your morning walks. Send out a message via social media. Having others ask you about your progress will keep you motivated to keep moving!

Authored by: YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas