gratitude blog

"Sometimes you have to let go of the picture of what you thought life would be like and learn to find joy in the story you are actually living" -Rachel Marie Martin.

This quote perfectly sums up the emotions that many of us are currently feeling. When life throws us unexpected situations, it's easy to dwell in the negative instead of searching for the positive. Because lets face it, it is so much easier dwelling in the negative than putting effort into looking for the positives. 

However, we have found three simple ways you can practice gratitude without making it feel too overwhelming. This prompt is a great stepping tool in beginning daily gratitude. 

1. Write a list of expectations you had for this chapter in your life and the goals you have for the future.

2. Write out how you can use your current situation to meet those goals and answer how your current expectations need to change in order to meet those goals.

3. Write a list of 5-10 things about your current situation that you enjoy. Think about what you are thankful for, and write those down. 

Once you have these ideas written down, challenge yourself to write down 2-3 things you are grateful for each day. This is a great way to begin your day before looking at any news or social media platform.