March is The Month for Women

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March is Women's History Month! It's a time we set aside to honor women's contributions to science, business, sports, social movements, and so many other fields for centuries. In America, women's contributions in these fields were often overlooked. That's why we celebrate Women's History Month. This opportunity gives us all a more complete picture of our American history. We must use times like this to teach new generations about those women we all know, like Rosa Parks, who played a huge part in civil rights history. To honor this occasion, I've interviewed the women of the Park South YMCA Branch.
There are a lot of women that contribute to this Y, and I would like to shine a light on their feelings about Women’s History Month. I want to first honor Miss Vastano Wollace and her importance to the Park South YMCA. She donated her land so that The Park South Family YMCA could be built and without her, this branch would not be here today.
As I asked around a lot of women of Park South did not know that it was Woman’s History Month. So, there’s more awareness that needs to be brought to this cause and there’s still a huge fight ahead not just for women, but all the people who are battling for women’s equality.
Cassandra Sampson a long-term member at the Y said, “well, this is the first time I'm hearing about it, so I think it’s overdue. I don't think women get recognized for the things that they do. So, I think it's a good idea to give us women an entire month to shine a light on all we do to contribute to society.”
Women have contributed to the success of the Park South community.
Kameshia Porter, Pre-school Director of Park South, said, “we’re like the Powderpuff Girls, Since I've started, we've contributed so much because we have a passion for the community. We’re a great resource for all the parents that trust us.”
“We’re the voice of the Park South community and I feel the branch wouldn’t be the same if it wasn’t for the women we have on our staff. I mean, we just have contributed a lot each woman here at Park South has done that, it goes from our head executive to the janitorial service, to the Aquatics, to preschool teachers. We all put our best foot forward while going above and beyond for our community,” said Porter.
We need to acknowledge the relentless pioneers who didn't back down in a room full of men and those who stood up for themselves. I believe women are capable of accomplishing absolutely anything. Women should continue to fight for equality. Make no mistake Women have been contributing to culture, history, and society from day one. We don't just want to celebrate Women's History Month; we need to celebrate our women's period.

Authored by: James Fleming