YG Middle School Conference

On February 25th- February 27th, the YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas had the pleasure of taking over 160 middle schoolers to compete in the statewide Youth and Government competition. 

Students were able to present their bills on the house and senate floor, as well as present proposals in committee rooms. Our students won a lot of awards. It was truly a treat to be back in person for the 2022 Junior Youth and Government competition.

Youth & Government is a statewide civic education and leadership program in which schools, civic organizations and Ys involve kids in hands-on learning experiences. YMCA Youth and Government allows middle and high school students to experience the excitement of our state government in action.

Students meet regularly as a club during the fall semester and throughout the year. Each club consists of participating students and an adult sponsor (usually a teacher) and is guided and supported by YMCA staff and volunteers. Students choose to participate in one of four areas: legislative, judicial, media, or state affairs forum. Model United Nations in also an option. A nation-wide YMCA program in which students learn the mechanics of government and the media by participating in hands-on activities in their club at their school or local YMCA.

Authored by: Kaniece Tell