Mental Health Community Care at the Y


As May paints the calendar with the hues of Mental Health Awareness, we at the Dallas Y extend a caring hand to our community members. It's a gentle reminder to nurture your mental health and extend the same compassion to your neighbors.

Mental wellness, a tapestry of our thoughts, feelings, and deeds, is integral to our identity and overall health. From the radiant smiles of children at our summer camps to the hopeful eyes of immigrant newcomers, we strive to foster mental well-being across all our programs.

Our approach to mental health isn't clinical; it's life-nurturing "community care." Here's how we do it:

  • We acknowledge that mental health is universal, sculpting our thoughts, emotions, and actions.
  • Our team champions positive self-care habits.
  • We foster meaningful relationships through empathetic and genuine conversations.
  • Our interactions are always trauma-informed.
  • We never shy away from acknowledging the influence of social factors, systemic racism, and marginalization on mental health.
  • Our toolbox includes emotional regulation, co-regulation, and coping techniques.
  • Our teams identify struggling individuals and provide much-needed support.
  • We assist community members in accessing mental health services.
  • We stand tall during crises, offering immediate help.
  • Most importantly, we collaborate to integrate mental health support within the community.

Our practices echo the principles of social-emotional learning, trauma-informed care, and suicide prevention strategies. They are our guiding light in mitigating mental health risks, encouraging timely intervention, and facilitating healing.

We also ensure that individuals can connect to formal mental health care providers when required, thus bridging the gap for those in need.

You, too, can champion mental health community care by:

  • Being observant of signs that someone is facing challenges.
  • Asking "How are you?" with genuine concern.
  • Displaying empathy, compassion, and kindness in your everyday interactions.
  • Supporting those in need by connecting them to resources like the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800-273-8255 or

To learn more about our mental health support services, visit