Despite a challenging upbringing, the author found a lifeline and purpose at the YMCA, where they grew from a front desk position to a program director, impacting lives and receiving support during tough times.
In 2024, the Dallas YMCA celebrated growth with new facilities, expanded programs, life-saving lessons for kids, and major fundraising efforts—all thanks to your incredible support.
Feeling stuck for holiday gift ideas? Consider giving the gift of health, wellness, and community. The Y offers options for everyone, whether it’s for a fitness beginner, a pickleball enthusiast, or someone who seems to have it all.
In partnership with Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas, the YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas has launched free career readiness services and job placement support at the Moorland Family YMCA at Oak Cliff and surrounding communities.
Join us for a Free Health Screening Day at the Moorland Family YMCA at Oak Cliff! Get your BMI, lipids, A1C, and blood pressure checked. Open to everyone in the community on February 21 from 10 AM to 1 PM.
Join us for a Free Health Screening Day at Coppell Family YMCA! Get your BMI, lipids, A1C, and blood pressure checked. Open to everyone in the community on February 21 from 10 AM to 1 PM.